MIV 2010-2012 Strategic Plan

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MIV has launched its 2010-2012 Strategic Plan. This plan embraces our historic mission while placing increasing emphasis on moving towards power and policy changes co-led by low-income immigrant communities of color.

The plan includes continuing to provide our trademark tools and movement-building spaces to partner organizations and allies across the state (including a November 2010 Statewide Voter Guide, November 2010 Voting Rights Palm Card, and our August ballot analysis forums in six regions of the state).

Simultaneously, MIV will pilot four deeper capacity-building projects in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Jose, and the San Francisco Bay Area, which we hope will lift up lessons learned and models for application well beyond these four regions.

MIV will increase its partnership with other allies and experts in the field to leverage more resources and technology for California immigrant organizations.

To learn more about the MIV 2010-2012 Strategic Plan, contact us at [email protected]. If you are an investor and are interested in learning more about the work of MIV, please contact Aparna Shah.

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